Monday, December 7, 2009

one word texts and the true christmas spirit i was thinking recently....

about the true christmas spirit. i think it was probably because i was watching the first presidency's christmas fireside last night (which by the way i think its awesome that we live in utah where things like this are broadcast on actual tv so we don't have to go out and traipse through the snow in order to view them). anyway i always love the feel in the air this time of year because its all about love and everything just smells like home and kindness and family and miracles. anyway, as i was sitting on a lovely squishy soft couch, surrounded by friends and basking in the glow of christmas tree lights and drinking in the scent of hot chocolate warming on the phone buzzed. ooops somebody forgot to turn it on silent :/

so i sneakily checked my phone (when i say sneakily i really mean silently because my vibrate is so loud that a person walking on the street outside the house would know i had just received a message) and opened a text from....the person sitting next to me.


haha not only was the text from them but it was a one word text. one word. probably the most rediculous moment of my day. perhaps my lifetime. haha normally i would not respond to a one word text...especially sent a mere foot down the couch from me but i decided that in honor of the christmas spirit i would try to spread love even with those technologically impaired and dependent souls.

so i sent a loving message back full of warm and fuzzies that essentially said "youre the most insane person i've ever met" and guess what i received in return? another one word text.

it's good to know that technology has enabled us to convey the spirit of christmas with such ease to all those we love. :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009

dear seventeen magazine: thank you for killing teen girls

Dear Ann Shoket-
My name is Kassandra Larson. I am a student at Brigham Young University studying to be an art therapist working with teen girls with eating disorders and depression. As your magazine has a target audience of the age group of women that I will be working with, I have found some interest in evaluating the themes and messages of your magazine. I have read your magazine, and I must say that every time I have I am often surprised at some of the articles it includes. In addition to the often sexual and loose morals that are discussed or encouraged in Seventeen, I would, in particular, like to bring attention to the disfigured and inaccurate portrayal of women used not only in your advertising but in essentially every article in your magazine. Teen girls are already so hard on themselves and when they open up a magazine and see only women under size 4, this can only discourage them further.
I find it particularly incredulous when some of your feature articles are about self-esteem or finding peace with one’s body type, which is so contradictory to the real and overall messages that this magazine sends to women and teens. Not only are the pictures and the ads telling girls that what men really want is a stick figure girl who starves herself, but many of your other articles tell girls how to lose weight fast, how to get the butt that will get the boy, and so many other messages that basically tell girls they aren’t good enough the way they are, and that if they don’t change now they will never be happy.
I am not trying to tear down the establishment of Seventeen magazine, but only make you aware of the hypocrisies in your publishing and hopefully further encourage a change. I do realize that articles about staying healthy and fit are often included in your articles, for which I applaud you, but it is important that girls know they do not have to be rail thin to be healthy. There are so many different body shapes and types of women, and including healthy types of all of these in all areas of your magazines is crucial to women’s self-esteem. The number one predictor of anorexia is the inaccurate view of themselves that women develop when constantly exposed to inaccurate depictions of women. Girls need to know that they do not have to be 6 foot and weigh less than 100 pounds to be considered beautiful and healthy. In fact, most models in magazines are not healthy by any standard.
As a magazine dedicated to women, I believe it is your duty to help them survive in a world that is so harsh and critical of all that women do and are. By adopting the unrealistic and unhealthy views of pop culture, Seventeen magazine is increasing the pressure and potentially decreasing the self-esteem of all women who read this magazine. The obsession with the world’s view of beauty and a focus on unrealistic outward appearance, not to mention the completely selfish and materialistic nature of most glorified celebrities, should not be the main focus of a magazine for women. Women need to know that they are valued for who they are and what they do, not just what they look like and how much weight they can lose. If Seventeen were to shift their focus to helping women build skills, self-esteem, personality, service, and health, letting each women know that she can be beautiful and valued with the body that she has been given, I believe that it would be a great step in helping to curb and prevent the increasing numbers of depression and eating disorders in young girls.
Thank you for your time. Sincerely,
Kassandra Larson

Thursday, November 26, 2009

eyeball sprinkles i was thinking recently...

actually last night adam and i were brainstorming. it was late and we may have been a bit delusional or perhaps we were just too excited in anticipation of the upcoming turkey feast, but we somehow came up with the most magnificent idea of which we cannot share at the moment, but i will say that it is a marvelous creation for our class presentation....yes that's right. be excited.

anyway, we got onto random tangents and i somehow found myself wondering if there was such a thing as eyeball sprinkles. adam was convinced there was no such thing but guess proved him wrong. they do in fact exist and if you order now its only $3.19 a package. and the only reason i have not ordered yet is because they are all sold out.

anyway the point it that google is incredible. that you can just type in whatever youre thinking of and find out if it exists, where it is, how you can get it, and basically anything else you want to know about whatever you want to know about it. whoever invented it probably is rich and should know that i am still available for marriage, if he is interested. he also has prolly the craziest brain ever. actually anyone who knows anything about the internet is insane and i dont really understand them...i think they are literally wired differently. ok tangents blagh haha but anyway what i'm really trying to say is that google, the internet, technology is incredible and such a blessing. seriously the idea that you can find out that eyeball sprinkles are available for cheap online whenever you haha random. but just one last question. now that i know they exist and where i can get them and how much...what i really want to know is who bought them all before i could and what the heck are they using that many creepy sprinkles for?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

why i wish i was scandanavian in the 70s i was thinking recently....

about my mother. she was a cheerleader all through high school and i love looking at the pictures and seeing "the hair" and "the outfit"...any of you who had cheerleader mothers know exactly what i'm talking about haha. anyway my friend found this video and i was DYING because the random dancing crew look like my mom and her cheeleader friends in all the pictures! no joke i seriously think it IS my mom because one of them has her dance moves hahaha

anyway please watch this magnificent mtv music video from the 70s and watch specifically for the line-up where the man in the front has a precious little peek-a-boo belly just before his hip thrust hahahahahahahahaha

world fest...ival i was thinking recently....

mostly last night when i was at world fest with jake :D (he took me out for my 20th birthday and then there was a surprise party when we got home!!! holy crap so so so incredible of him)

anyway, back to the post haha i was thinking about the american media-the music, the dance, the "culture" that we portray through our media. You can learn alot about a country through the way they portray themselves to the rest of the world (their visible culture- that includes such dance, music, dress, etc) and i was wondering what exactly the rest of the world thinks about us... honestly i think it might be kind of embarrassing if they think we are all hyper-sexualized and scantily clad, and seductively dancing and singing about sex :/

i dunno just somthing to think about...

ps sorry this post is probably not very organized, i'm hyped up on cold medicine and after only four hours of sleep last night i'm a little out of it...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

roommates i was thinking recently...

and when i say recently i mean...just right now this very second. my roommate comes home from a long day...and so did i. i am preparing to pass out into my soft warm bed and she turns on her music on and guess what i hear. seriously guess.

Dashing and daring,
Courageous and caring,
Faithful and friendly,
With stories to share.

All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along,
As their song fills the air.

Gummi Bears!!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere.
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears.

Magic and mystery,
Are part of their history,
Along with the secret,
Of gummiberry juice.

Their legend is growing,
They take pride in knowing,
They'll fight for what's right,
In whatever they do.

Gummi Bears!!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere.
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears.
They are the Gummi Bears!!

....there really are no words to describe this moment. my roommate...she is...a wonderful person but so...oh so so different

VHS: the grainy alternative i was thinking recently...

about how far we've come. seriously. turn on the tv and if the screens big enough you feel like you've fallen into an alternate reality where leonardo dicaprio is your best friend and you're walking along the beach in italy with him...ok or something to that effect.

for my mission prep class i had to go to the lrc and borrow a VHS tape recording of a missionary fireside and seriously it just amazing me how much the quality has come around and improved greatly with the invention of dvds and hi-def and all that high tech stuff that i don't understand, but i appreciate. haha

so thank you world and smart people for tv that looks real instead of ones with lines and static and poor sound quality...not to mention the way magnents would mess up the reel and your little siblings would always pull the tape out of the vhs and ruin the movie when they really thought they were just having fun.

now they can just put fingerprints and scratches on the dvds. cuz skipping is so much more betterer.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

the scenic route i was thinking recently...

while i was driving home to boise for the weekend, i was reminded of the blessing music is in my life. my last post was about peaceful sunday music, and this one shall be about crazy loud rockin music, designed for all intents and purposes of aiding caffeine for the purpose of keeping me awake when i make roadtrips that follow a night of only four hours of sleep. basically...i love music that helps me not end up like the two deer, two coyotes, and various unidentifiable once fuzzy animals that were basking in pools of blood on the highway.

well...that was gruesome.

music anyone?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

sundays i was thinking recently...

about how incredible the music that i listen to on sundays is. i haven't always felt this way. in fact i used to never listen to music on sundays because i couldn't hardly stand any classical or just instrumental music. i think i've been maturing :D yay me! haha

but seriously. i've always had a little rule/guideline, i think it comes from my mom, about what i listen to on sundays. unless i'm on a roadtrip and i need some crazy music and possibly caffeine to keep me awake, all i listen to on sundays is classical, instrumental, efy, hymns, get the idea. and lately my favorite has been the instrumental stuff-especially instrumental hymns. it gives me music to put me in the mood for church, for being more receptive to the gives me background to my thoughts, helps me sort things out, helps me focus on reading the scriptures...everything. it helps me re-focus on life.

i love music. and i love the way we can use it. truly one of the best gifts of God. hands down

Saturday, October 31, 2009

oh the irony i was thinking recently...

about the irony in this class. i knew that after taking this media class i would probably have somewhat strong desires to cut back on the different aspects of media in my life...if not completely cut them out entirely. and yet here i am consuming more media that i would regularly...quite a bit more in fact. now i have a blog. and for the sexual content assignment i had to watch three tv shows in one week?! i never watch tv and as i've been watching it this week for that assignment i've fallen asleep a few times haha. its SUCH a waste of time :/ everything on tv is honestly...hardly worth watching at all haha. and for our content analysis, i'm watching two extra movies that i would probably not have watched on my own.

just a clarification: i am NOT complaining whatsoever. this is not a realization that has made me upset or anything. in fact i find it quite entertaining and chuckled about it when discovered earlier today. haha. interesting that in order to be aware of what we consume, and in order to realize the power it has over us, we have to consume more first. weird isn't it?

Monday, October 26, 2009

music memories i've been thinking recently...

about music. and how i can hardly hear a song more than once without having it remind me of something from my past. a place. a person. a moment. usually a person. and if i've known you for any amount of time...there's probably a song that reminds me of you. sometimes it catches me off guard. like i'll hear something and then realize that my thoughts went to something or someone and i'm all...hmmm i guess this song reminds me of you! its weird. but i love it. good memories. good songs. for the most part...its annoying how sometimes this can ruin a song too. but for the most part my song memories are this brings back so many memories. haha try it- put itunes on shuffle and just let yourself reminisce for a bit. bittersweet that's for sure.

songs on my mind right now:

ps you don't have to read this it won't mean anything to yall haha

grillz- christian
kiss the sky- christian again :/
eet- andrea
welcome to the black parade- brock...random haha
anything reliant k- hanna
be be your love- megan
everything- rusty
fireflies- jake
lips of an angel- nick
anything jason mrazz- dev dev
teardrops on my guitar- stu
rockstar- bryce
me and beckie- beks
lean like a cholo- kate, dee dee, and kels--my mexis :D
almost lover- elisabeth
brand new- kenton
paramore- justin
mae- isaac fergieferg
elephant love song- beki and bryce
make a man out of you- all my centenn peeps
the great escape..five minutes to midnight...anything boys like girls- nathan
you- brady
ingrid michaelson- val val and andrea
enya- jake haha
michael buble- mom
william joseph- mom, andrea, jake, rusty's family.... :/

ok i need to stop...this is making me kinda sad :/

Monday, October 19, 2009 i was thinking recently...

ok. wow. so as i was posting my last entry about telletubbies my roommate came home. and guess what she was singing. no, not telletubbies. but close haha she was singing arthur. y'know the cartoon little aardvark character with glasses? y'know i never knew he was an aardvark until i googled it a few years back. i always thought he was a mouse with tiny ears. but turns out he's an aardvark because it sounds better to say "arthur the aardvark" than "arthur the mouse with tiny ears." anyway, that was a random tangent but what i was getting at was this: wait i think i need to backtrack real quick.

so the first month of this sememster we didn't have a working tv. well actually we had two, but neither was really working per se. one tv played dvds only. and the other was connected to the cable...but only got like four channels with terribly fuzzy connection and so really we never watched tv. both were like those old looking wooden panneled tv, super deep and wide and heavy...we didnt have anywhere to put either, so our front room was pretty empty, but it was nice. then about a month ago, we found a random wooden entertainment set just up the street sitting on someones lawn. so we took it. and then one of our roommates borrowed a tv. and then we had three different guys try to fix the cable connection. so finally we have somewhat decent cable channels and needless to say the tv is on more than before. i am proud to say that still it's hardly ever on, but i guess that's still more than before haha

anyway, the other night my roommate and i were cooking dinner or something, and the tv was on. and we ended up settling down to watch arthur on pbs. it felt like i had just ridden the bus home from third grade. it was awesome. ever since then we've randomly been bursting out into the arthur theme song. surprising enough we know all the words to this one too. which i will say is more impressive, because there are quite a bit more words to this than the telletubbies.

ps--i just wanted to note that the entertainment set was FREE we didn't steal it. we had permission to just walk off with it. just sayin'

lullaby for college kids i was thinking recently...

about my roommate's sleeping habits. ok, well not only hers but mine too i guess. we've been trying to get to bed earlier than 10:30 the last few weeks and i think we've succeeded maybe...twice? wow, sad huh. haha what's up with goals if you can never reach em. :/ anyway, one of the problems is that we're really really really not used to going to bed that early..anytime before midnight is usually crazy over here haha. so the problem is that when we get into bed before 10 we kinda just lay there for a few minutes wondering why we can't even get our eyes to close. i mean it's dark right? and we're so exhausted that at any other moment during the day if we had a chance to shut our eyes for more than a second, we would be out, whether or not we were laying down...or even sitting. seriously. but for some reason laying in bed at night...i'm awake more than ever ugh.

so on this certain evening, after our token "i'm trying to sleep so let's not talk for two whole minutes," we of course started chatting, talking about the day, laughing about...nothing usually and postponing sleeping time for a few more hours. but for some reason, instead of talking, we were like "hey, lets try singing each other to sleep." so guess what song popped into our heads? honestly. the first song that came to us after a long day of college life... telletubbies. really? hahaha

and for some reason, we both knew the whole tune and whatever rediculous words are in the song and the NAMES OF THE FREAKING TELLETUBBIES. wow. who knew that we were so educated on our children's entertainment. hahaha

all i can say, is props to whoever comes up with the catchy, irritating, but incredibly memorable children's shows music. and how the heck does it stay in your head years and years and years after you watched the show that ONE time...?!?!?!?! because i know i didn't watch that more than once...or twice...ok ok maybe a few times.....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

facebook fast i was thinking recently...

in class today actually. the whole topic of video games (as you can see in one of my previous posts) kinda hits home for me and i was getting a little frustrated in class today. basically video games is my least favorite of all types of media, and honestly i have a hard time finding any good in all. maybe i'm judgemental or maybe i'm right, but either way i have these crazy ultimatums in my mind that i hope i never break. things like...i'm never gonna let my children play video games, at least under my roof....we're never going to own a wii or playstation or or....i WILL NOT marry a gamer, or anyone even remotely close to a gamer...or maybe i will never even marry a man who's even touched the game halo...haha maybe i'm an idealist. who knows.

but then someone raised a good point. ok, so we say that addiction to video games is a terrible thing...what about those of us who are addicted to other types of media....i'm pretty sure facebook was specifically called out at that moment. ouch. ok...take a step back, kass and look at yourself. honestly tell me that you're not a fb addict....i don't think i can say that and look myself in the eye...

not that i think facebook is ANYWHERE NEAR the same level of video gaming...but as far as the time wasted on it, in my not ok. not ok at all. :/ when i think of all the things i could be doing instead of those hours wasted doing completely POINTLESS things on fb it kinda makes me sick. many books could i have read in the same amount of time per day...week...month...? how many paintings could i have painted? how many people could i actually have spoken to face to face, and been able to laugh with, and touch, and hugg...? too many to count...i don't wanna do the math i think i might cry.

so because of this realization...i'm going to facebook rehab. starting with a week long fast. then after that i will maybe do another week. or at least set some rules for myself about we try only getting on fb ONCE a day. hah sadly i think that's gonna be hard for me. how sad is that? but here i go...ready to conquer the world...ready to actually be with people- have virtuous friends instead of virtual ones...i'm gonna read some books. i'm gonna paint some pictures...i'm gonna kiss a boy.

ok. what the random...? where did that come from? haha but i guess that's another thing i couldn't do on facebook right?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

magazine overload i was thinking recently...

actually it was yesterday. we went to walmart to buy pumpkins for our festive pre-halloween carving festival. and in the checkout line, after excitedly telling the cashier about my incredibly awesome halloween costume, and while waiting for the rest of my pumpkin shopping friends, i browsed the magazines. yuck. wow. incredibly trashy, disgusting, and provacative. no wonder i don't ever read magazines. what is there to read? honestly nothing worth my time...basically ever. so...that's all i have to say about that.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Wee Mouse Who Was Afraid of the Dark i was thinking recently...

About childhood and as a child, my favorite book was definitely The Wee Mouse Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Margo Lundell. This is a short picture book, probably for children between the ages of three to six, about a little mouse girl who suddenly becomes afraid of the dark. The story takes place in a tiny animal village, built along a small river, with really detailed and vibrant pictures. The story shows her parents getting advice from various animal friends of different ways to help their daughter overcome her fear and sleep through the night.

I think the reason that this book was my favorite was because I could very directly relate to it. As a child I was very afraid of the dark and I always had a nightlight on in my bedroom. Not only could I relate to the wee mouse’s problem, but she resembled me too, as she is pictured on the front cover of the novel carrying her blanket—something that seems to be present in many of my own childhood pictures and memories. There are so many details that I remember so clearly about this book, whether it is because the book was my favorite, or because the details attributed to my liking of the book so much. I do know that the pictures were incredible and detailed, depicting little animals with people-like qualities, and outfits, perfectly balanced with a natural, but somewhat magical environment—boats made of leaves, and homes carved out of tree roots. I just remember reading this book and feeling like I was a part of this tiny, magical life, and knowing that the character in the book knew exactly how I felt. This was my first beginning in realizing that my struggles and feeling could be expressed in books in ways that would help me face and learn from them in my own life.

Sunday, October 4, 2009 i was thinking recently...

about this experiment we had to do back in high school my...senior year i think? i actually hadn't thought about it for awhile but i went home last weekend and my mom had me share it in her young womens class because they were talking about media and it's influence in our lives.

anyway, for the month of december my seminary class went on our own personal "exodus." every student chose something important to them that they would leave behind for a month. some kids took it as a joke and said they would give up homework. other people took it as...a joke and said they would give up chocolate. i took a joke and said i would give up music. ya right. like i could live without it.

but honestly i tried it...just to see what it would be like. to be daring. y'know. and guess what...i didn't die.

i know weird right?

seriously tho, i made some guidelines so that i didn't completely give it all up...i just wanted to be more...selective. so instead of listening to all my music, i gave up all worldly music. meaning that for the whole month i listened to hymns, classical music, and...efy soundtracks. one. whole. month. and because my selection of this music is (we're talking like ten cds tops..haha) i did essentially give up music for most of the time. and instead i listened to silence. to clocks ticking. to the voices in my head. to cars driving past me as i went on my nightly runs. to crickets outside my window as i fell asleep. to the rumbling of my dying truck on my way to school....

and as i listened to these strange sorts of silences i discovered something else...that there was a kind of music i had been missing out on, because i always drowned it out with my other tunes. the music of the soul. the music of service. the music of silence and peace.

i found that i had more time to pray- to talk to God. i had more time to sit and reflect on things that i had learned or heard or read or felt during the day. i had more time to be aware of what was going on around me. i had more time to focus on what was important. i noticed other people more. i wanted to love them more, serve them more, i was...nicer. (if you can imagine that)

when the month was over i did get back into my music, not gonna lie. but i have tried to keep the moral of the story with me. i can't let music be everywhere all the time. i can't let it replace the thoughts in my head, the promptings in my heart. i have to be careful to not drown out what really matters.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

maybe i just really really like elephants i was thinking recently...

art. that's a form of media yes? not to mention any names or situations...i would prefer to leave this somewhat open ended...but what are ya'lls thoughts on art having a message. does every piece of art MEAN something? were they created with the meaning in mind BEFOREHAND? or is the meaning created AFTER? or perhaps...i dunno...just a thought...but can some art perhaps have NO MESSAGE? or perhaps the message being...maybe i just thought this was pretty? or maybe i JUST LIKE ELEPHANTS!?!?!?!?!? do i need an explanation besides something makes me happy to create? something that's pretty to look at?
i dunno...maybe i have to have some REAL reason to like elephants...?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

i clearly look better in person i was thinking recently...

and you know what is so annoying? trying to apply for a job. not only is it difficult to find anyone that is hiring in this economy, but when you do they just tell you--hey go online and fill out an application. ...uhhh ok? i took my time to come here, dressed up, ready to apply IN PERSON, so that you can associate my name and personality with my application so you can know what a catch i am so that you will hire me. instead you tell me to go online and send out a bunch of paperwork that you will glance over and probably pass up because it may look similar to everyone elses electronic 'paperwork' when in reality i am clearly the best candidate for this job. but you wouldn't know that would you. no. because you won't let me apply. here. in person. right now. hmmm. not a fan. and i think now i don't even want to apply for your stupid job anymore.

seriously since when has the internet been the solution to everything. unemployment. banking. networking. what's next? end world hunger by clicking this button on this online website that when you click really spams your computer? hah. oh wait...don't they already have that?

Monday, September 21, 2009

attentive boyfriends i was thinking recently....

about this old picture i found on my computer
it was taken last april.ish the same weekend that my boyfriend drove up from idaho to see me for conference weekend. lots of crazy things happened that weekend, and overall it's been a decent few days to remember. until of course he ended things and i burned all memory of him from my sad lonely life-all gifts, pictures, tee-shirts...joke joke

but of course my computer didn't get the memo and every time the screensaver comes on, pictures of us together flash across the screen...whatever :/

anyway, back to this picture of my roommate and i...
if you look closely, or even if you don't, you will notice the deep passionate look on both of our boyfriends faces. perhaps you will also notice that unfortunately their eyes are not directed at either of us. instead, they are both intent upon beating each other on guitar hero. what precious men we chose to date :D

anyway maybe it's just me, because i never grew up playing any type of video or computer game, so i don't fully understand the attraction...or maybe it's not just me. if you think about it, wouldn't most people enjoy more fully going on a date with a real live human being over a fake guitar with colored buttons? no, you're must just be me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

its like we're on life support i was thinking recently....

i just moved into my new apartment ready to start a new year of intellectual and social stimulation. just before i left home my parents bought me a new computer and i spent hours trying to figure out how to move all my crap from one laptop to the other. just when i thought it was all figured out i, none of my itunes had been transfered. i wanted to die.

how am i supposed to move without bringing my oxygen tank with me. really? c'mon. the convenient "backup discs" wouldn't load properly and i was just about to fly to wherever the heck apple's rich corporate leaders were vacationing and let my frustration rain on their parade...or yacht. but i contained myself.

eventually i realized that most of my music had been transfered...but stored in some rediculously random folder that had been hiding under the annonymous name of "kassie's itunes music folder" under my documents. so, after uploading, or downloading, or whatever kind of loading i had to do, my music appeared back in my itunes and i was ready to get into the car and drive six hours-fueled by a gallon of dr. pepper and a couple gazillion gallons of gas all to the beautiful lyrics of my lifes' personal soundtrack blasting from my ipod.

isn't it crazy how angry technology can make us? especially when its not working the way we think its supposed to? or when the computer thinks its smarter than us and tries to trick us by saying "you do not have sufficient access to complete this action"...oh really? who has more authority to do stuff with my computer than me? ugh :/

anyway where i'm really going with this is just that...i basically can't live without my music. whether its on my ipod, online playlists, my itunes, cds, whatever-without my music i would die. literally. my ears would get so fed up with silence that they would shrivel up and fall off of my head from lack of usage...

want to know what is the most frustrating thing about this whole deal though? when i first moved in and started unpacking all my boxes...i was totally in a rocket summer mood. so i flip open my computer and searched for his cds in my itunes playlist... no success.

apparently not all my music has been transfered. ugh....or perhaps the rest of its hiding in a folder labeled "kill me now i hate computers"