Sunday, November 8, 2009

the scenic route i was thinking recently...

while i was driving home to boise for the weekend, i was reminded of the blessing music is in my life. my last post was about peaceful sunday music, and this one shall be about crazy loud rockin music, designed for all intents and purposes of aiding caffeine for the purpose of keeping me awake when i make roadtrips that follow a night of only four hours of sleep. basically...i love music that helps me not end up like the two deer, two coyotes, and various unidentifiable once fuzzy animals that were basking in pools of blood on the highway.

well...that was gruesome.

music anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Totally dig what you're saying. Sometimes, I just need to feel happy and excited, and some good rockin' music does it for me. Have you heard of a group called Lights. Pretty new group, but they do it for me. They make me feel happy. Apple Pie Happy.
