Saturday, November 21, 2009

world fest...ival i was thinking recently....

mostly last night when i was at world fest with jake :D (he took me out for my 20th birthday and then there was a surprise party when we got home!!! holy crap so so so incredible of him)

anyway, back to the post haha i was thinking about the american media-the music, the dance, the "culture" that we portray through our media. You can learn alot about a country through the way they portray themselves to the rest of the world (their visible culture- that includes such dance, music, dress, etc) and i was wondering what exactly the rest of the world thinks about us... honestly i think it might be kind of embarrassing if they think we are all hyper-sexualized and scantily clad, and seductively dancing and singing about sex :/

i dunno just somthing to think about...

ps sorry this post is probably not very organized, i'm hyped up on cold medicine and after only four hours of sleep last night i'm a little out of it...

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