Monday, October 19, 2009

lullaby for college kids i was thinking recently...

about my roommate's sleeping habits. ok, well not only hers but mine too i guess. we've been trying to get to bed earlier than 10:30 the last few weeks and i think we've succeeded maybe...twice? wow, sad huh. haha what's up with goals if you can never reach em. :/ anyway, one of the problems is that we're really really really not used to going to bed that early..anytime before midnight is usually crazy over here haha. so the problem is that when we get into bed before 10 we kinda just lay there for a few minutes wondering why we can't even get our eyes to close. i mean it's dark right? and we're so exhausted that at any other moment during the day if we had a chance to shut our eyes for more than a second, we would be out, whether or not we were laying down...or even sitting. seriously. but for some reason laying in bed at night...i'm awake more than ever ugh.

so on this certain evening, after our token "i'm trying to sleep so let's not talk for two whole minutes," we of course started chatting, talking about the day, laughing about...nothing usually and postponing sleeping time for a few more hours. but for some reason, instead of talking, we were like "hey, lets try singing each other to sleep." so guess what song popped into our heads? honestly. the first song that came to us after a long day of college life... telletubbies. really? hahaha

and for some reason, we both knew the whole tune and whatever rediculous words are in the song and the NAMES OF THE FREAKING TELLETUBBIES. wow. who knew that we were so educated on our children's entertainment. hahaha

all i can say, is props to whoever comes up with the catchy, irritating, but incredibly memorable children's shows music. and how the heck does it stay in your head years and years and years after you watched the show that ONE time...?!?!?!?! because i know i didn't watch that more than once...or twice...ok ok maybe a few times.....


  1. Firstly, I must have been half asleep anyway because I don't remember half of this. Or maybe I'm just in denial...probably. Secondly, what else am I supposed to do when I'm babysitting and the kids refuse to play hide and seek with me or read a avoid being the hated babysitter I must conform to their idiotic desire to watch the dreaded teletubbies. But one show and that's it. How do these people live with themselves knowing that they have not only corrupted the minds of the children by making them completely and utterly addicted to their tv shows, but to have the lasting effect of the dumb song in your head forever. Also, I was walking home from anatomy today and guess what song popped into my head then? Anyone remember the Arthur theme song??? Hey! What a wonderful kind of day...

  2. Kassie, you just described my exact feelings from the past two years...I can never fall asleep before 12 and it's been boggling my mind ever since...but that was really entertaining to read about you and Andrea singing each other to sleep to the Telletubbie's show theme, maybe i'll try that one of these nights. :)
