Wednesday, October 14, 2009

facebook fast i was thinking recently...

in class today actually. the whole topic of video games (as you can see in one of my previous posts) kinda hits home for me and i was getting a little frustrated in class today. basically video games is my least favorite of all types of media, and honestly i have a hard time finding any good in all. maybe i'm judgemental or maybe i'm right, but either way i have these crazy ultimatums in my mind that i hope i never break. things like...i'm never gonna let my children play video games, at least under my roof....we're never going to own a wii or playstation or or....i WILL NOT marry a gamer, or anyone even remotely close to a gamer...or maybe i will never even marry a man who's even touched the game halo...haha maybe i'm an idealist. who knows.

but then someone raised a good point. ok, so we say that addiction to video games is a terrible thing...what about those of us who are addicted to other types of media....i'm pretty sure facebook was specifically called out at that moment. ouch. ok...take a step back, kass and look at yourself. honestly tell me that you're not a fb addict....i don't think i can say that and look myself in the eye...

not that i think facebook is ANYWHERE NEAR the same level of video gaming...but as far as the time wasted on it, in my not ok. not ok at all. :/ when i think of all the things i could be doing instead of those hours wasted doing completely POINTLESS things on fb it kinda makes me sick. many books could i have read in the same amount of time per day...week...month...? how many paintings could i have painted? how many people could i actually have spoken to face to face, and been able to laugh with, and touch, and hugg...? too many to count...i don't wanna do the math i think i might cry.

so because of this realization...i'm going to facebook rehab. starting with a week long fast. then after that i will maybe do another week. or at least set some rules for myself about we try only getting on fb ONCE a day. hah sadly i think that's gonna be hard for me. how sad is that? but here i go...ready to conquer the world...ready to actually be with people- have virtuous friends instead of virtual ones...i'm gonna read some books. i'm gonna paint some pictures...i'm gonna kiss a boy.

ok. what the random...? where did that come from? haha but i guess that's another thing i couldn't do on facebook right?


  1. lol, I just wrote a post on my wall about facebook taking over peoples lives too, and I must agree that facebook has its good things like keeping you in touch with friends and especially for me, family that I might otherwise not communicate with much, but on the other hand, it sucks your life away and all of a sudden you are sitting there wondering where the time went and how you are going to make up for it with midterms coming up!!!! anyway, I asked what a healthy level of facebook use is, and I think I decided once a day is a starting point as well. Good luck with your quest! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  2. Good Luck! I had to limit my self to checking facebook once a day for a while and it really helped me to cut back on the time I spent using it!

  3. You can do it! It's amazing how much time we can waste on facebook, eh? I think it is beneficial in some ways like keeping in touch with friends and family, but all things in moderation right? It can still be used for good. You can do it! :)
