Monday, September 21, 2009

attentive boyfriends i was thinking recently....

about this old picture i found on my computer
it was taken last april.ish the same weekend that my boyfriend drove up from idaho to see me for conference weekend. lots of crazy things happened that weekend, and overall it's been a decent few days to remember. until of course he ended things and i burned all memory of him from my sad lonely life-all gifts, pictures, tee-shirts...joke joke

but of course my computer didn't get the memo and every time the screensaver comes on, pictures of us together flash across the screen...whatever :/

anyway, back to this picture of my roommate and i...
if you look closely, or even if you don't, you will notice the deep passionate look on both of our boyfriends faces. perhaps you will also notice that unfortunately their eyes are not directed at either of us. instead, they are both intent upon beating each other on guitar hero. what precious men we chose to date :D

anyway maybe it's just me, because i never grew up playing any type of video or computer game, so i don't fully understand the attraction...or maybe it's not just me. if you think about it, wouldn't most people enjoy more fully going on a date with a real live human being over a fake guitar with colored buttons? no, you're must just be me.


  1. That picture is just classic! I love that the two girls are smiling so cutely at the camera and the boys don't not care one little bit that someone is taking a picture. Soooo typical. I love it!
    P.S. Though I love me some MarioKart, I prefer live dates who try to give their attention to me, seeing as they just asked me to give up a few hours of my time to keep them company:)

  2. I think that video games or other competitive things really flurish in guys. They both have girls to impress and beating the other guy is all part of it. I grew up always playing those games and I admit losing is a blow to the ego.

  3. I love Mario Kart AND Donkey Kong, but I never understood how people can play it for more than like one hour. By then my eyes (and brain) are fried and I'm ready for a nap. What's interesting is that people will continue playing video/computer games even when it's painful! It seems like sometimes even when their eyes are burning and their stomach is grumbling from not having eaten anything for hours, they will still sit in the same exact position just trying to beat "one more level." Video games are so addictive, which is apparent in the success of the industry and the fact that, sadly, they break up so many relationships/marriages.

  4. When I was in Dr. Holman's 160 class, he told of an interesting experience. Elder Bednar came to their stake, and Dr. Holman, who is on the Stake Presidency there, said that they asked Elder Bednar what his biggest concern is for the stake. Elder Bednar's response? Video Games. Dr. Holman talked about how husbands would get absorbed in the fantasy of the game and completely neglect important family duties, like spending time with the children and helping their wives do the dishes...etc...

    Just an interesting thought...

  5. thank you adam
    i like the way you think
    well you and elder bednar i suppose haha
