Wednesday, September 30, 2009

maybe i just really really like elephants i was thinking recently...

art. that's a form of media yes? not to mention any names or situations...i would prefer to leave this somewhat open ended...but what are ya'lls thoughts on art having a message. does every piece of art MEAN something? were they created with the meaning in mind BEFOREHAND? or is the meaning created AFTER? or perhaps...i dunno...just a thought...but can some art perhaps have NO MESSAGE? or perhaps the message being...maybe i just thought this was pretty? or maybe i JUST LIKE ELEPHANTS!?!?!?!?!? do i need an explanation besides something makes me happy to create? something that's pretty to look at?
i dunno...maybe i have to have some REAL reason to like elephants...?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

i clearly look better in person i was thinking recently...

and you know what is so annoying? trying to apply for a job. not only is it difficult to find anyone that is hiring in this economy, but when you do they just tell you--hey go online and fill out an application. ...uhhh ok? i took my time to come here, dressed up, ready to apply IN PERSON, so that you can associate my name and personality with my application so you can know what a catch i am so that you will hire me. instead you tell me to go online and send out a bunch of paperwork that you will glance over and probably pass up because it may look similar to everyone elses electronic 'paperwork' when in reality i am clearly the best candidate for this job. but you wouldn't know that would you. no. because you won't let me apply. here. in person. right now. hmmm. not a fan. and i think now i don't even want to apply for your stupid job anymore.

seriously since when has the internet been the solution to everything. unemployment. banking. networking. what's next? end world hunger by clicking this button on this online website that when you click really spams your computer? hah. oh wait...don't they already have that?

Monday, September 21, 2009

attentive boyfriends i was thinking recently....

about this old picture i found on my computer
it was taken last april.ish the same weekend that my boyfriend drove up from idaho to see me for conference weekend. lots of crazy things happened that weekend, and overall it's been a decent few days to remember. until of course he ended things and i burned all memory of him from my sad lonely life-all gifts, pictures, tee-shirts...joke joke

but of course my computer didn't get the memo and every time the screensaver comes on, pictures of us together flash across the screen...whatever :/

anyway, back to this picture of my roommate and i...
if you look closely, or even if you don't, you will notice the deep passionate look on both of our boyfriends faces. perhaps you will also notice that unfortunately their eyes are not directed at either of us. instead, they are both intent upon beating each other on guitar hero. what precious men we chose to date :D

anyway maybe it's just me, because i never grew up playing any type of video or computer game, so i don't fully understand the attraction...or maybe it's not just me. if you think about it, wouldn't most people enjoy more fully going on a date with a real live human being over a fake guitar with colored buttons? no, you're must just be me.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

its like we're on life support i was thinking recently....

i just moved into my new apartment ready to start a new year of intellectual and social stimulation. just before i left home my parents bought me a new computer and i spent hours trying to figure out how to move all my crap from one laptop to the other. just when i thought it was all figured out i, none of my itunes had been transfered. i wanted to die.

how am i supposed to move without bringing my oxygen tank with me. really? c'mon. the convenient "backup discs" wouldn't load properly and i was just about to fly to wherever the heck apple's rich corporate leaders were vacationing and let my frustration rain on their parade...or yacht. but i contained myself.

eventually i realized that most of my music had been transfered...but stored in some rediculously random folder that had been hiding under the annonymous name of "kassie's itunes music folder" under my documents. so, after uploading, or downloading, or whatever kind of loading i had to do, my music appeared back in my itunes and i was ready to get into the car and drive six hours-fueled by a gallon of dr. pepper and a couple gazillion gallons of gas all to the beautiful lyrics of my lifes' personal soundtrack blasting from my ipod.

isn't it crazy how angry technology can make us? especially when its not working the way we think its supposed to? or when the computer thinks its smarter than us and tries to trick us by saying "you do not have sufficient access to complete this action"...oh really? who has more authority to do stuff with my computer than me? ugh :/

anyway where i'm really going with this is just that...i basically can't live without my music. whether its on my ipod, online playlists, my itunes, cds, whatever-without my music i would die. literally. my ears would get so fed up with silence that they would shrivel up and fall off of my head from lack of usage...

want to know what is the most frustrating thing about this whole deal though? when i first moved in and started unpacking all my boxes...i was totally in a rocket summer mood. so i flip open my computer and searched for his cds in my itunes playlist... no success.

apparently not all my music has been transfered. ugh....or perhaps the rest of its hiding in a folder labeled "kill me now i hate computers"