Monday, December 7, 2009

one word texts and the true christmas spirit i was thinking recently....

about the true christmas spirit. i think it was probably because i was watching the first presidency's christmas fireside last night (which by the way i think its awesome that we live in utah where things like this are broadcast on actual tv so we don't have to go out and traipse through the snow in order to view them). anyway i always love the feel in the air this time of year because its all about love and everything just smells like home and kindness and family and miracles. anyway, as i was sitting on a lovely squishy soft couch, surrounded by friends and basking in the glow of christmas tree lights and drinking in the scent of hot chocolate warming on the phone buzzed. ooops somebody forgot to turn it on silent :/

so i sneakily checked my phone (when i say sneakily i really mean silently because my vibrate is so loud that a person walking on the street outside the house would know i had just received a message) and opened a text from....the person sitting next to me.


haha not only was the text from them but it was a one word text. one word. probably the most rediculous moment of my day. perhaps my lifetime. haha normally i would not respond to a one word text...especially sent a mere foot down the couch from me but i decided that in honor of the christmas spirit i would try to spread love even with those technologically impaired and dependent souls.

so i sent a loving message back full of warm and fuzzies that essentially said "youre the most insane person i've ever met" and guess what i received in return? another one word text.

it's good to know that technology has enabled us to convey the spirit of christmas with such ease to all those we love. :D


  1. hey those buzzes kept me awake and alert!

  2. This is why I do not text. For the sole purpose of not receiving one word texts.

  3. Yeah, who would ever want a one word text from the person sitting next to a wierdo...I wonder if he/she even has a testimony...hahahah

  4. yeah the testimony must have broken with the phone...and developed into a habit of not showing up or calling
