Saturday, October 31, 2009

oh the irony i was thinking recently...

about the irony in this class. i knew that after taking this media class i would probably have somewhat strong desires to cut back on the different aspects of media in my life...if not completely cut them out entirely. and yet here i am consuming more media that i would regularly...quite a bit more in fact. now i have a blog. and for the sexual content assignment i had to watch three tv shows in one week?! i never watch tv and as i've been watching it this week for that assignment i've fallen asleep a few times haha. its SUCH a waste of time :/ everything on tv is honestly...hardly worth watching at all haha. and for our content analysis, i'm watching two extra movies that i would probably not have watched on my own.

just a clarification: i am NOT complaining whatsoever. this is not a realization that has made me upset or anything. in fact i find it quite entertaining and chuckled about it when discovered earlier today. haha. interesting that in order to be aware of what we consume, and in order to realize the power it has over us, we have to consume more first. weird isn't it?

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