Thursday, November 26, 2009

eyeball sprinkles i was thinking recently...

actually last night adam and i were brainstorming. it was late and we may have been a bit delusional or perhaps we were just too excited in anticipation of the upcoming turkey feast, but we somehow came up with the most magnificent idea of which we cannot share at the moment, but i will say that it is a marvelous creation for our class presentation....yes that's right. be excited.

anyway, we got onto random tangents and i somehow found myself wondering if there was such a thing as eyeball sprinkles. adam was convinced there was no such thing but guess proved him wrong. they do in fact exist and if you order now its only $3.19 a package. and the only reason i have not ordered yet is because they are all sold out.

anyway the point it that google is incredible. that you can just type in whatever youre thinking of and find out if it exists, where it is, how you can get it, and basically anything else you want to know about whatever you want to know about it. whoever invented it probably is rich and should know that i am still available for marriage, if he is interested. he also has prolly the craziest brain ever. actually anyone who knows anything about the internet is insane and i dont really understand them...i think they are literally wired differently. ok tangents blagh haha but anyway what i'm really trying to say is that google, the internet, technology is incredible and such a blessing. seriously the idea that you can find out that eyeball sprinkles are available for cheap online whenever you haha random. but just one last question. now that i know they exist and where i can get them and how much...what i really want to know is who bought them all before i could and what the heck are they using that many creepy sprinkles for?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

why i wish i was scandanavian in the 70s i was thinking recently....

about my mother. she was a cheerleader all through high school and i love looking at the pictures and seeing "the hair" and "the outfit"...any of you who had cheerleader mothers know exactly what i'm talking about haha. anyway my friend found this video and i was DYING because the random dancing crew look like my mom and her cheeleader friends in all the pictures! no joke i seriously think it IS my mom because one of them has her dance moves hahaha

anyway please watch this magnificent mtv music video from the 70s and watch specifically for the line-up where the man in the front has a precious little peek-a-boo belly just before his hip thrust hahahahahahahahaha

world fest...ival i was thinking recently....

mostly last night when i was at world fest with jake :D (he took me out for my 20th birthday and then there was a surprise party when we got home!!! holy crap so so so incredible of him)

anyway, back to the post haha i was thinking about the american media-the music, the dance, the "culture" that we portray through our media. You can learn alot about a country through the way they portray themselves to the rest of the world (their visible culture- that includes such dance, music, dress, etc) and i was wondering what exactly the rest of the world thinks about us... honestly i think it might be kind of embarrassing if they think we are all hyper-sexualized and scantily clad, and seductively dancing and singing about sex :/

i dunno just somthing to think about...

ps sorry this post is probably not very organized, i'm hyped up on cold medicine and after only four hours of sleep last night i'm a little out of it...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

roommates i was thinking recently...

and when i say recently i mean...just right now this very second. my roommate comes home from a long day...and so did i. i am preparing to pass out into my soft warm bed and she turns on her music on and guess what i hear. seriously guess.

Dashing and daring,
Courageous and caring,
Faithful and friendly,
With stories to share.

All through the forest,
They sing out in chorus,
Marching along,
As their song fills the air.

Gummi Bears!!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere.
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears.

Magic and mystery,
Are part of their history,
Along with the secret,
Of gummiberry juice.

Their legend is growing,
They take pride in knowing,
They'll fight for what's right,
In whatever they do.

Gummi Bears!!
Bouncing here and there and everywhere.
High adventure that's beyond compare.
They are the Gummi Bears.
They are the Gummi Bears!!

....there really are no words to describe this moment. my roommate...she is...a wonderful person but so...oh so so different

VHS: the grainy alternative i was thinking recently...

about how far we've come. seriously. turn on the tv and if the screens big enough you feel like you've fallen into an alternate reality where leonardo dicaprio is your best friend and you're walking along the beach in italy with him...ok or something to that effect.

for my mission prep class i had to go to the lrc and borrow a VHS tape recording of a missionary fireside and seriously it just amazing me how much the quality has come around and improved greatly with the invention of dvds and hi-def and all that high tech stuff that i don't understand, but i appreciate. haha

so thank you world and smart people for tv that looks real instead of ones with lines and static and poor sound quality...not to mention the way magnents would mess up the reel and your little siblings would always pull the tape out of the vhs and ruin the movie when they really thought they were just having fun.

now they can just put fingerprints and scratches on the dvds. cuz skipping is so much more betterer.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

the scenic route i was thinking recently...

while i was driving home to boise for the weekend, i was reminded of the blessing music is in my life. my last post was about peaceful sunday music, and this one shall be about crazy loud rockin music, designed for all intents and purposes of aiding caffeine for the purpose of keeping me awake when i make roadtrips that follow a night of only four hours of sleep. basically...i love music that helps me not end up like the two deer, two coyotes, and various unidentifiable once fuzzy animals that were basking in pools of blood on the highway.

well...that was gruesome.

music anyone?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

sundays i was thinking recently...

about how incredible the music that i listen to on sundays is. i haven't always felt this way. in fact i used to never listen to music on sundays because i couldn't hardly stand any classical or just instrumental music. i think i've been maturing :D yay me! haha

but seriously. i've always had a little rule/guideline, i think it comes from my mom, about what i listen to on sundays. unless i'm on a roadtrip and i need some crazy music and possibly caffeine to keep me awake, all i listen to on sundays is classical, instrumental, efy, hymns, get the idea. and lately my favorite has been the instrumental stuff-especially instrumental hymns. it gives me music to put me in the mood for church, for being more receptive to the gives me background to my thoughts, helps me sort things out, helps me focus on reading the scriptures...everything. it helps me re-focus on life.

i love music. and i love the way we can use it. truly one of the best gifts of God. hands down